VAT check


Check VAT IDs directly from SAP

Incorrectly issued outgoing invoices cause a considerable amount of post-processing work. You also have to wait longer for your money. But it can get even worse. In the end, you may also get into trouble with the tax office and have to pay sales tax in arrears.

Conversely, you accept and pay incorrect incoming invoices. A costly reversal included. This does not have to be the case. Automate the verification of master data and take a huge burden off your employees’ shoulders. Their time and energy can be put to better use.

Check Check


With EPO VAT ID Check you connect directly to the VAT number database of the respective country. This puts you on absolutely legally secure terrain.

Check Check

Clean Slate

With the VAT ID Check, you simultaneously eliminate multiple entries and ensure that new creditors and debtors are created with the correct master data.

Check Check

All At Once

In addition to the VAT numbers, you also keep other master data such as the current address up to date.

Check Check

Early Warning System

Also keep an eye on all legal changes such as bankruptcies and liquidations and identify potential payment defaults at an early stage.

Check Check

Full Access

All performed checks are documented in the check book. Error lists are updated automatically and can be edited and corrected directly in the SAP GUI.

Check Check

On The Road

The VAT ID check is also available as a Fiori Mobile App. Synchronized with your VAT ID check book in the SAP GUI, you can make good use of time windows.

  • Features

    • VAT ID checks at the push of a button in SAP for all EU countries as well as Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
    • The check status of each VAT ID number is directly visible in all relevant SAP transactions via the F1 function key
    • Checks in the Invoice Receipt and Issue processes (using the F1 key function) are also logged in the VAT ID check book.
    • Different web services can be used for VAT ID number checking
    • Checks of VAT ID validity and calculated VAT at document level with EPO ZM
    • Verifiability of VAT ID checks for ZM documents (recapitulative statement) in accordance with EU Quick Fix to the VAT System Directive
  • News since 2021: Check VAT ID from documents and evaluate for recapitulative statement

    • Check receipts for VAT ID validity and VAT charged.
    • Message ZUID with “print program” for invoices, orders, deliveries and purchase orders
    • Flexible setting options via NACE customizing
    • Lists for ZM documents (according to your SAP Customizing settings for the recapitulative statement)
    • Lists for FI documents with customer and vendor accounts
    • Lists for sales orders, deliveries and billing documents

Advantages of the EPO VAT ID Check

  • VAT ID checks at the push of a button in SAP for all EU countries as well as Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
  • The check status of each VAT ID number is directly visible in all relevant SAP transactions via the F1 function key
  • Checks in the Invoice Receipt and Issue processes (using the F1 key function) are also logged in the VAT ID check book.
  • Different web services can be used for VAT ID number check
  • Checks of VAT ID validity and calculated VAT at document level with EPO ZM
  • Verifiability of VAT ID checks for ZM documents (recapitulative statement) in accordance with EU Quick Fix to the VAT System Directive
  • Check receipts for VAT ID validity and VAT charged.
  • Message ZUID with “print program” for invoices, orders, deliveries and purchase orders
  • Flexible setting options via NACE customizing
  • Lists for ZM documents (according to your SAP Customizing settings for the recapitulative statement)
  • Lists for FI documents with customer and vendor accounts
  • Lists for sales orders, deliveries and billing documents

EPO VAT ID Check simply explained

Our Customers say…

“EPO Consulting’s VAT ID number check with this level of functionality at this price is a must-have.”

“The solution is well thought out down to the last detail and can be used immediately. It really doesn’t need a project.”

“The best part is the foolproof integration into any SAP transaction through simple customizing. Press the F1 key and check at the touch of a button.”